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What to expect: 

We meet Sundays at 10 am. (arrive at 9:45 to get your seat.)

​Our Gatherings can be divided into four basic parts which may happen in any order. 

1. Connecting: This tends to happen before and or after, the meeting, It is a time when we provide space to build community, people greet one another catch-up, and sometimes pray for one another.

2. Teaching: This is when we participate with the speaker as we look to the Holy Spirit to engage with us through the scriptures. We endeavor to bring messages that are relevant, encouraging, and life-building, presented in a relaxed, engaging, and fun style.


3. Worship: We are excited about our relationship with God and what we see Him doing in our lives every day. We celebrate this by joining with our band to express our thankfulness and love for God through passionate worship, times of singing, prayer and contemplation. During worship, you may see people clapping with the music or raising their hands, reflecting quietly or kneeling, and at other times you may even see someone dancing or painting. All of these are examples of outward expressions of an internal spiritual reality that can be different for each of us. One can find these forms of praise and worship described in the Bible, but they are also common in our culture, If you have ever been to a concert or sporting event, you will feel right at home.

4. Information: At various points, we will pause for announcements of ways you can get involved in the life of RCC. Including upcoming events and activities, and how to partner financially with the work of Rock Creek Church. There are three easy ways to give,

      1. Online at

      2. Texting an amount to 503-831-9995 

      3. Placing cash or a check in the offering box as you leave the auditorium. 

There is never any pressure to give and you're free to choose whether or not would like to participate.

The purpose of the church is not just a social club, nor is it just entertainment, although those things may happen. The church is a place where we seek to encounter the presence, power, and love of God and carry that experience and expression of love to the world around us. This is why we gather, and we invite you to join us, if you are longing for more in your life, if you feel like you are missing something, then we believe the Lord is stirring your heart and we would love to help you connect with Him.  Come this Sunday, we have caring and trained people who are ready and available to speak with you or offer prayer and encouragement.  Our hope is, that wherever you are on your journey you will be enriched and encouraged.

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